Reception area on fire

After the burning man from the elevator, we see everyone in shock, especially Duncan. Before we go to Dan Bigelow and Lorrie, there's something extra:

We see the sign "We build for life" amongst flames, -zoom out- the whole reception area is on fire (nice shot!). Then we go to some security guys somewhere (people and set unknown).
* Security guy: Hey chief !

They both look at some alarmsystem. The chief picks up the phone.
* Chief: On 65 the whole reception area is on fire. (nods) Better ask for a fourth alarm (nods), right.
Then we get a full minute of bad, dark and noisy footage of fire-trucks riding through the streets of San Francisco.
Holy shit, the butcher desperately needed a filler here. Thank God when we return to the original story with Dan Bigelow and Lorrie.
