Astaire and Jones

Harlee Claiborne (Fred Astaire) arrives by the escalator and walks out of frame.
Claiborne walks up to a window and looks in. Then we see Lisolette Mueller (Jennifer Jones) with a little girl, Angela, who's fingerpainting. Claiborne enters.

* Claiborne: Good afternoon ladies.
* Mueller: O, hello.
He gives her flowers.
* C: For you.
* M: Thank you.(to Angela) Angela, this is my friend, Harlee Claiborne. He lives on 95, same floor as mine.
* A: We only live on the 87th floor.
* C: I might invite you up sometime, if you bring your oxygen mask, and promise to paint me.
* A: (laughs) You're silly !
* C: (laughs) Thank you my dear, thank you, mmm.
He looks at his watch.
* C: Where does the time go. (at Mueller) 7:30 ?
Mueller nods.
* C: Ciao.
* A: (waving) Bye.
Claiborne waves at her.
* M: Bye.

Fred leaves and passes Mrs. Allbright, who enters with Philip.
* A: (walks up to her) Mommie, mommie !
* M: Hello Mrs. Allbright, hi Phillip.
* A: Come and see my painting !
* M: We won't be so messy tomorrow.
In the original Claiborne's arrival by escelator is followed by Mrs. Allbright en Phillip entering Miss. Mueller's studio, although it's a different shot (Angela doesn't say anything here and we don't see Fred leaving).
